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How to Apply Your Writing Skills in Everyday Life

1) The Art of Writing

To truly harness your writing skills, you need to engage in writing regularly and ensure your words reach an audience. Whether it’s through blogging, freelance copywriting, or crafting articles for digital magazines, the act of writing not only hones your skills but also increases your visibility. Like any craft, writing demands dedication and practice. It’s not just about having talent; it’s about continually developing that talent and adapting to various writing forms and audiences.

2) Your Unique Signature

Every writer possesses a unique creative style or “voice” that sets them apart. This voice is your signature in the world of words, one that can potentially influence or inspire others. For new writers, your voice will likely be a blend of various influences—think of it as a literary cocktail with a twist of your own flavor. Over time, as you write more, your distinctive style will emerge more clearly. When others notice and emulate your style, it’s not just flattering—it’s a sign you’ve made a significant impact. This recognition can boost your career, particularly in fields like online assignment writing jobs, where a strong personal voice can set you apart.

3) The Power of Personal Style

Your writing style is yours alone; it’s what feels most natural for you to express and resonates most deeply with your audience. In the world of writing finding your voice isn’t just about standing out—it’s about creating content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of your audience. Once you find this match, your words can build lasting relationships and open doors to new opportunities.

5 Colleges Perfect for Poetry Lovers

Exploring Poetic Academia at the University of Michigan

The University of Michigan’s English literature department is a treasure trove for poetry enthusiasts. Students can dive into a poetry sub-concentration or opt for a broader English concentration. From foundational courses like “Introduction to Poetry” to advanced offerings such as “Contemporary American Poetry,” there’s a spectrum of classes to suit any poetic interest. When I was a student, I tried their “Creative Writing: Poetry” class, and it was transformative, offering both technical skills and creative inspiration.

Ann Arbor is more than just a college town; it is a vibrant community where intellectual curiosity thrives. The university’s slam poetry team, UMich Poets, is a dynamic group that competes at a national level, providing students with a platform to express themselves and gain recognition. Every prospective student aims to complete their work with a touch of professional critique from the Michigan Daily editorial team. However, there is also a more accessible option, the WriteMyPapers platform, where many writers craft custom papers from scratch. Students, in turn, can receive online completed work from them.

Among the alumni are numerous published authors and even Pulitzer Prize-winning poets, underscoring the university’s commitment to fostering literary excellence. If I were to choose a school all over again for its poetic opportunities, UMich would be at the top of my list.

Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA

At Berklee College of Music, poetry and music intersect in a symphony of educational opportunities. Known primarily for its music programs, Berklee also offers unique minors in creative writing and spoken word/slam poetry—the first school to provide such specialized studies. Students can immerse themselves in courses like “Poetry in Performance,” a class that I found incredibly enriching when I attended a guest session there.

Berklee’s vibrant campus life includes an annual Poetry Slam that coincides with the Massachusetts Poetry Festival, attracting talent from across the country. The college’s Fusion magazine is an excellent outlet for students who prefer to express their poetic talents through written words. It’s an incredible experience to see your work published alongside that of seasoned poets and fellow students.

Located in the heart of Boston, Berklee students have the city’s rich cultural tapestry at their fingertips. The college’s vast network of alumni includes Grammy winners and renowned poets, illustrating the potential paths that Berklee students can follow after graduation.

Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY

Sarah Lawrence College is renowned for its innovative approach to education, particularly in creative writing and poetry. The college offers a program that begins with a themed seminar for first-year students and evolves into in-depth studies in various poetic forms and histories. “The Poetic Process” is a seminar that I’ll choose again for its insightful approach to understanding and creating poetry.

Student life at Sarah Lawrence is uniquely supportive of creative expression. The annual Dead Poets Slam and the Poetry Festival—New York State’s largest free poetry event—are highlights of the academic year. These events offer platforms for students to showcase their work and engage with the broader poetic community.

The college’s distinctive academic philosophy encourages students to craft a personalized educational journey, supported by small class sizes and dedicated faculty. With a sprawling campus just outside New York City, Sarah Lawrence offers a tranquil yet stimulating environment for young poets.

Brown University, Providence, RI

Brown University’s Literary Arts program was founded by Edwin Honig in the 1960s, and since then, it has become a beacon for aspiring poets. Offering over 60 courses annually in various facets of poetry and literary creation, students at Brown experience a rich academic environment. Courses like “Poetry and Ethics” challenge students to explore the deeper moral implications of literature, enriching their writing and analytical skills.

The freedom at Brown is unparalleled; there are no core requirements, allowing students to tailor their education to their passions. This flexibility is perfect for poets who wish to intertwine their literary pursuits with other academic interests. Brown’s campus in historic Providence offers a picturesque backdrop that inspires creativity, making it an ideal place for poets to thrive.

Brown’s global initiatives and extensive alumni network provide students with opportunities to engage with the world beyond the campus, enhancing their education and professional prospects.

Kenyon College, Gambier, OH

Kenyon College’s commitment to the arts, particularly poetry, is evident in its robust English department, which features a dedicated creative writing program. Courses like “Modernist Poetry” and “Poetry and the Visual Arts” allow students to explore the intersections of different art forms. When I was a student, participating in the Kenyon Poets’ Society was a highlight of my college experience, offering not just education but also a community of like-minded individuals.

Kenyon’s picturesque campus in rural Ohio provides a serene setting that nurtures creativity. The Kenyon Review, one of the most prestigious literary magazines, offers students the chance to work closely with accomplished writers and editors, a valuable experience for any aspiring poet.

Kenyon’s alumni, including notable poets and writers, exemplify the success one can achieve with a solid foundation in the poetic arts. The college’s commitment to providing a comprehensive liberal arts education ensures that its students are well-prepared to make their mark in the literary world.

I will be a warrior

Verse 1:

Every morning I wake up, I feel a pain inside

The news that I received, has taken me for a ride

A battle I must fight, but it won’t be easy

Leaving you behind, that’s the hardest part, believe me


But I will be a warrior, I’ll fight this fight

With every step I take, I’ll shine brighter every night

I‘ll make a difference, I’ll touch the sky

I’ll be remembered, as I say goodbye

Verse 2:

I’ll be leaving soon, but I’ll never leave your heart

I’ll be there with you, every step of the way, right from the start

I’ll be your guide, when you need me the most

And I’ll be there with you, through every heartache and every boast


But I will be a warrior, I’ll fight this fight

With every step I take, I’ll shine brighter every night

I’ll make a difference, I’ll touch the sky

I’ll be remembered, as I say goodbye


I’ll leave you with memories, that’ll never fade

I’ll leave you with love, that’ll always be there

And though I’ll be gone, I’ll never be far away


But I will be a warrior, I’ll fight this fight

With every step I take, I’ll shine brighter every night

I’ll make a difference, I’ll touch the sky

I’ll be remembered, as I say goodbye


I’ll be a legend, a hero in your heart

And when you look back, you’ll see how far we’ve come

And though I must leave, I’ll always be a part

Of the story of us, as I say goodbye.

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